ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)


Hello everyone.
I’m Yossy, the manager of YoshiSanpo.
From November 3 to 6, I traveled alone to Hanoi, Vietnam for 4 days and 2 nights.
This is the report for the second day.

新朝日コーポレーション ソニックエース スキミング 防止カード 2枚 スキムゴールド SP SG-03新朝日コーポレーション ソニックエース スキミング 防止カード 2枚
スキムゴールド SP SG-03
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)


There is a restaurant on the top floor of the hotel, and breakfast is free, so I got up at 6:30 in the morning and took the elevator while feeling dazed.
The top floor is the 15th floor and the view was very good, and the morning sun was very beautiful.
I want to eat banh mi etc. from now on, so breakfast is light.
First, go to Hoan Kiem Lake and visit Ngoc Son Temple for sightseeing.

ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)


Since it was a little early, I went around Hoan Kiem Lake clockwise and headed to Ngoc Son Temple.
Turtle Tower is a small tower that can be seen from Hoan Kiem Lake.
It seems that there is a legend of a large turtle, and it seems that it was named Turtle Tower from that origin.
Also, it seems that there was a bridge between 1952 and 1953, but it was removed in about a month.


Arrive at Ngoc Son Temple.
You will need to pay 30,000 dong as an entrance fee and get a ticket.
It wasn’t crowded at the entrance or near the bridge, but there were more people than I expected inside.
It is made from a large turtle that is said to have been caught in Hoan Kiem Lake, but it is too big.

ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)


After visiting Ngoc Son Temple, I took a break at Book Street and went to Hoa Lo Prison.
Book Street is a calm place with many bookstores and cafes, and I was able to drink coffee slowly.

ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)


After resting for about 30 minutes, we headed to Hoa Lo Prison.
Purchase an admission ticket at the ticket office near the entrance.
I think the ticket was 30,000 dong.
Once inside, an audio guide is recommended for a separate payment of 100,000 dong.
If you have time, I definitely recommend the audio guide.
Of course, I asked for an audio guide, so I could understand the history of Hoa Lo Prison.
The inside is cool and you may get goosebumps, so please be prepared to go see it.
There is also a souvenir shop inside, so if you don’t want to be ripped off at other shops, we recommend buying here.

ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)


I spent about two hours slowly visiting Hoa Lo Prison, and then went to Train Street.
It was closed due to frequent accidents, but there were some places where I could enter, so I walked.

ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)

少し小腹も空いたので、バインミーで有名なBANH MI25に行きました。

It was very comfortable and it felt good to walk.
However, the scaffolding is rugged and very bad, so I almost stumble.
I was a little hungry, so I went to BANH MI25, which is famous for banh mi.

ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)


There were five people lined up in front of the narrow store as it is a famous store, and I waited a little over 10 minutes until it came to me.
I didn’t understand well when ordering, but I ordered the one that contains everything.
The taste was so delicious that I finished eating it immediately.
Looking back, I feel that other people ordered multiple banh mi by themselves.
I will try different flavors next time I go.
When I finished eating, I called a motorcycle with Grab and headed to the Thang Long ruins.
The time is also before 16:00 local time, so there is only one hour until closing.

ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)

It was getting dark and the closing time had already passed, so I came out with the remaining customers.
Many materials of the Vietnamese dynasty are exhibited at the Thang Long ruins, and I learned about the origin of the Vietnamese dynasty.
Since it was getting dark, I returned to the city area and saw that the night market was being held.

ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)


I bought 10 standard T-shirts and 10 magnets as souvenirs, and bargained for 600,000 dong.
I think I was able to purchase it at an amount close to the local price.
It was getting late at night, so I headed to Ta Hien Street for the weekend while returning to see the illuminated Ngoc Son Temple on Hoan Kiem Lake.

ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)
ベトナム ハノイ一人旅2日目(Hanoi, Vietnam Solo trip 2nd day)


Before the holidays, Ta Hien Street is so crowded that it is incomparably crowded, and the shops are blocking the road, so it is very difficult to walk.
I didn’t drink here, but drank at another empty place, healed my fatigue at the massage shop I went to yesterday, and then returned to the hotel.
This concludes the second day.
On the first day, the entrance door of the hotel was closed, so I returned early.
See you soon! !

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